Sunday, May 15, 2011

Monster Ball


Tami and I decided to go together and got some pretty sweet tickets when they went on sale almost a year ago and we were not disappointed.

We decided to get into GR early to beat the crowd, so we went to the BOB for a bit before the show.


Yes, I was fully prepared to see people decked out in Gaga gear --- but I wasn't quite prepared for all the people in leotards. We saw SO many "look-a-likes". While I couldn't get any good shots, I pulled some pics from the original Gaga looks.

We saw a bunch of these:

And these...

One pop can girl looked pretty sweet. Although, her poor friend had a less than impressing set of pop cans.

The most common theme we saw that night was this:

While I am very impressed with the amount of people that were brave enough to wear leotards...I have to point out that about 99% of them should NOT have worn them. Just because you know where to buy a leotard does not mean that anyone wants to see you in one. But, kudos for the courage to do so.

Tami and I had a blast...and next time I won't take 2 months to post...but, I was born this way, baby

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