Sunday, November 14, 2010

Happy Halloween

Yes, yes, I know I am late posting this.

One of my favorite holidays is Halloween. There is nothing better than dressing up and partying with friends all night. I am a people-watcher by nature, so costume parties are like crack to me. People bring out who they really are at costume parties....

Some like candy

Some like to show team support

There are criminals

There are video game junkies, geeks...and a whole lot of people that are confused
(can you figure some of these out? I had trouble)

We were invited to a party held in a hall in GR. It was the best Halloween party I've ever attended.

Here we are pre-game

...and then the night began...

Yes, I was the ghost from PacMan

...did you catch the extra feature on my costume?..


  1. Looks like you had a good time but.. Where was pacman??

  2. LOOOOVEEE halloween! Your costume is adorable and different! Super cute!! I love the pic when someone is trying to climb in with you! heheh!
