Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Now for a little fun...

A good friend, Amy, reminded me yesterday that while it feels really good to blog about the jerk to let off steam, it also means I am going to repeatedly re-visit the issue by constantly checking on the new comments people leave. I love the support from all of you, but Amy is right - I need to share the fun stuff and look for the fun, positive comments. Don't worry - you will be filled in on all the drama, but let's focus a bit on the fun stuff.

2010 is going to be a great year - Let's take a look at some of the pictures that have recently surfaced of me...I know this is fun for me! :)

There is this one:

And this one:

This one too:

Oh wait...here is the best one of all....

Apparently my life isn't so dull - I seem to be having quite a good time single :)

Happy New Year Folks!!! Let's have a fun one!


  1. You are too cute! I think the second one is my favorite!

  2. Apparently my "dance face" isn't really as hot as I thought it was...lol

  3. At least you don't stick your tongue out like my cousin Jason...lol. I'm so glad those pics surfaced. Enjoyed them!
