Have any of you been reading the news?
There is a Peeping Tom in my apartment complex.
Luckily, it is in the other section of the complex, which is more ghetto than mine (is that possible?)
It was pretty funny when my mom called to tell me about it last night, since I never close the blinds in my living room and immediately raced to them. Although, he is peeping and exposing himself mostly to the first floor, still creepy...and I perhaps have once or twice walked around naked...ewww
Since winter is over, Niko and I are back to running and I'm counting my calories again. Christa
is also working on her fitness right now and is posting a "Wednesday Weigh-in". Congrats to her for losing 2.4 pounds in the last week! I actually lost 4 -- so I am pretty pumped. I'm sure most of it is water weight since I am really cutting back on sodium and you all know how much I love salt!!!
And...last but not least, I shared with many of you a couple of days ago that "someone" tried to hack into my gmail and/or blog which disabled both of them. Funny enough, that evening I found out that "someone" had changed the address on the mortgage statements and also attempted to put a password on the mortgage account so that I couldn't access it.
Funny enough...the mortgage company GAVE me the password. After all, I am the primary on the account. No, I will not sink to this person's level and share the password with the world (although I did laugh about it with my mom) but it did make me wonder...
Did I put a password on the mortgage at one time and "someone" got that from the mortgage company and attempted to get into my accounts? Perhaps...I honestly don't remember.
But, now I've changed my password on every account.
Sazzle on dear friends, I know I will!