Friday, December 4, 2009

Guy #1

So, finally getting back into the dating scene. I am not going to assume that I will meet one guy and that will be it - I realize that I will probably have to date many before I meet the right one.

Let's talk about Guy #1. Josh.

I talked about him in a previous email, but here are the details:
  • 33
  • Never married
  • No kids
  • Lives in Middleville
  • Works 3rd shift (booo)
  • 6'1"
  • Kinda looks like Adam Sandler
  • Has a dog
  • Volunteers with kids
  • Is a Christian - and based on conversations I actually believe him
  • Thinks I'm beautiful :)
Weird - we were instant messaging for about 3 hours last night. Again, do not have my hopes up and protecting myself against creepers - but maybe I just met a friend.


  1. Fun! I think you have a great attitude about the whole thing (cautiously optimistic?). Like you said, even if this guy (or the second or the third) doesn't turn out to be The One (And who knows--maybe one of them will?!), you might make a new friend or get a funny story out of it. Definitely be careful, but I'm proud of you for getting back out there!

  2. Sweetness! I'm happy you're getting back out there. At least you can figure out if the guys are creeps before you even go out on a date with them! You can find out a lot through IM and email to know if you really are interested.

  3. Works 3rd shift? What does he do? That kind of sucks, but not a deal breaker. Oh, but my boss says people from Middleville are may want to check on that!
