Friday, November 13, 2009

On a Mission Toward Complete Sazzle-ness

Do you know Single Girl Swagger? Have you been witness to it?

Women that exude this Single Girl Swagger are confident, independent, and content with their whole life. They aren't afraid to meet someone new or go to a new place. There is no fear, but excitement for life. These fantastic women are single - LOVE it, embrace it, and if "Mr. Right" never came along, they would be just as content. Now, some non-single women also meet this criteria, but I am referring to just the singles right now.

While I believe I possess at least a little of this "Swag", I haven't completely embraces single-ness. This is my mission - to achieve Complete Single Girl Swagger ... aka... Sazzle-ness.

For the next few weeks/months/years, this will be my goal. Each week I will focus on a different step/goal. Such goals will probably include, but are not limited to:
  • Make a crappy apartment feel like a "home" that I am proud to have people visit
  • Figure out my real circle of friends - and cherish time with them
  • Overcome bad habits
  • Learn to be (at least a little) spontaneous
  • Find my personal style - and flaunt it
  • Learn to try new things - with confidence
  • Make my body something I am proud of - and learn to love it
Everyone: Please feel free to comment, give me more goals/steps/suggestions, and give input on successes and failures.

I am giving myself until 2011 - yes, more than a year. I figure it could take awhile to accomplish a few of these things.

Any ideas on what I should tackle first or ideas for more goals?

Sazzle On ... Sazzle On ...


  1. I think the first thing you should get in order is bad habits.. make that your New Years resolution. I had a couple I dropped this year and it feels good to be almost a year without the bad habits.. now if I could just get Sean to stop biting his nails.

  2. Sazzle.. I think this is a good start. I wouldn't add more to the list until you get some things started and accomplished!

  3. I loved being young, single and independent! Making it on my own, doing whatever I wanted to do, whenever I wanted to was amazing. Not that I don't love being married. Being a strong woman, making it on your own is one of the most amazing experiences. Go on trips with other girlfriends, have girl's day lunch outings where you drink a bottle of wine with lunch then go shopping. Roadtrip with Niko to Madiosn, watch all of the chick flicks you want, eat cereal for dinner. Embrace and enjoy this time in your life, it too will pass and you will most likely miss it a little bit.

    Good luck and I can't wait to live vicariously(sp?) through you while reading your blog!
